Wednesday, February 16, 2011

This is my other blog.....this one is often blocked in China so I started the other one when we got here. I just realized that I might not have updated those of you that are following me!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Getting Ready

Hey Everyone......Here's our blog! I'm excited about keeping in touch with everyone and hope you have time to check in every once in a while.

Last Saturday we moved out of our little mountain abode. I tried to breathe in deep the scent of those towering pines and cedars before I pulled out of the driveway to quite possibly never return. No regrets though, while it was a great place to have my babies, I won't miss the drive, the random feral cats or the questionable characters hanging outside of the Safeway Market....

We have been staying at John's parents house this week, which has been great. The boys are getting a lot of Noni and Papa time and Kevin and Kelly are always good for comic relief.  I figured if we just hung around them for the last week then it wouldn't be quite as hard when we have to say our goodbyes.

Moving is stressful. I do see the light at the end of the tunnel and my never ending to do list actually appears to be shrinking. Once we are on the plane I know I will sigh a huge sigh of relief and will be able to begin looking forward and definitely be more present. There is the whole hurdle of the flight with a two and four year old but I think we're sufficiently stocked with entertainment and surprises. 

Soooo, wish us luck! You'll be hearing from us soon........